Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Just a few

It is a secret that I have all sorts of psychiatric diagnosis.  I had a therapist who believed I should tell no one except for very close family.  The stigma was too much, he said, I would lose all credibility.  When I was first diagnosed I told everyone I knew with an email address in a mass email.  Well, everyone except for a certain youth pastor.  I would grow to hate him, but that had nothing to do with my bipolar/add/ocd diagnosis and everything to do with him being an asshole. 

Now, I strike some what of a balance.  There are very few people at our new church that "know".  I'm not ashamed of being ill, anymore than I am ashamed I have acne scars.  I can't really see them and if if I really cared I'd put makeup on over them.  I need to correct that, I am not completely ashamed of being ill, but I am ashamed of some of the things that go along with it.  I am ashamed I drive forty five minutes to see a psychiatrist.  I am ashamed I have strong ties to a therapist.  I am getting over the shame associated with drugs.  People ask me if I take meds and I never lie.  I'm not a big liar.

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